Eine integrierte Bildgebungslösung zur Unterstützung bei der Verletzungserkennung und bei geführten Eingriffen – jederzeit und überall.
Engage patients with real-time injury monitoring and biofeedback assessment. Guide interventions for accuracy.
Butterfly iQ+ unterstützt bei der präzisen Führung bei Nervenblockaden, regenerativen Verfahren und PRP-Injektionen, um das Vertrauen Ihrer Patienten zu gewinnen.
iQ+ helps you identify the cause of pain and clarify treatment plans within the walls of your clinic.
Advanced imaging features can help inform diagnoses and interventions for conditions like plantar fasciitis.
Ready to begin your MSK ultrasound journey? Our free intro course and reimbursement guide can help you get started.
“Point-of-care ultrasound is cost-effective, easy to learn, and can be rapidly performed by a physician on the sideline. Butterfly iQ+ is immediately accessible for fast investigation of athletes with a suspected fractures and soft tissue injuries, and can accurately determine who can be managed conservatively versus those who require expedited care”
Sports Medicine Physician | Medical Director Special Warfare Operational Medicine Squadron JBSA-Lackland, Chapman Training Annex
Assistant Clinical Professor | UCLA Division of Sports Medicine Depts. Of Family Medicine & Orthopaedics Assistant Team Physician | UCLA Athletics
Join Dr. Mike Stone and Dr. Julia Iafrate to explore the basics of musculoskeletal imaging including technique and appearance of common structures.
Join Dr. Mike Stone as he describes the ultrasound appearance of a large hemarthrosis in a patient with an acute ACL tear.
In diesem Video führt Dr. Mike Stone Schritt für Schritt durch die wichtigsten Befunde eines Ultraschalls bei einem pädiatrischen Patienten mit akuter transienter Synovitis des Hüftgelenkes.
These videos are for informational purposes only, to demonstrate potential uses of the Butterfly iQ. They are not a substitute for professional clinician training and experience. Clinicians are solely responsible for patient care and for exercising their independent clinical judgement at all times.
„In neun von zehn Fällen führe ich für meine Patienten eine Ultraschalluntersuchung durch. Das ist eine absolute Bereicherung.“
Die klare Antwort im Point-of-Care-Ultraschall.