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An integrated imaging solution that supports paramedics.


Erste Schritte mit Butterfly iQ+.

Unlock the power of lung ultrasound.

Lung ultrasound (LUS) can help clinicians rapidly and accurately identify most of the common causes of dyspnea, such as congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia.

Now, with the Auto B-line Counter tool, clinicians can also use artificial intelligence to efficiently and accurately quantify B-lines during their lung assessments, potentially improving efficiency and reliability.

Gezielte Beurteilung der Herzfunktion.

Mit Butterfly iQ+ können Notfallsanitäter die Herztätigkeit in Echtzeit visualisieren und erhalten so ausschlaggebende Informationen zu sofortigen Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen und koennen Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen bei Patienten, die zuvor als nicht reanimierbar galten, neu einleiten.

Improve guidance for challenging PIV access.

As many as 1 in 2 acute care patients have difficult PIV access¹. With Needle Viz™ technology and the world'-first POCUS Biplane Imaging™, Butterfly iQ+ can help support successful insertion.

Learn more.

Sign up to receive our EMS ultrasound case study and more educational resources.

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Kaufen Sie noch heute Ihren neuen iQ3™ .

Die klare Antwort im Point-of-Care-Ultraschall.
