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Whole-body assessment at the bedside. Make decisions on the first patient visit.

An integrated imaging solution supporting applications as varied as your patients, from soft-tissue assessment to CHF detection.

Erhalten Sie Unterstützung bei der Erkennung von CHF.

Lung ultrasound (LUS) can help clinicians rapidly and accurately identify most of the common causes of dyspnea, such as congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pneumonia.

With our Auto B-line Counter tool, clinicians can use artificial intelligence to efficiently and accurately quantify B-lines during their lung assessments, potentially improving efficiency and reliability.

CHF is increasing in prevalence, and is considered a global pandemic1. Research has shown that early intervention can lead to a better prognosis2 overall.

Easily evaluate urinary retention.

The ability to quickly measure a patient’s bladder volume at the bedside using Butterfly iQ+ can help support intervention decisions. With the Auto Bladder volume tool, clinicians can objectively calculate bladder quantity in mLs at the bedside.

Over a five-year period, approximately 1 in 10 men over the age of 70 and almost 1 in 3 men in their 80s will develop acute urinary retention4.

Rasche Beurteilung von Weichgewebeinfektionen.

Clinical exam alone is insufficiently accurate to differentiate cellulitis from abscess in many cases.

On soft tissue ultrasound, cellulitis has a characteristic cobblestone appearance. Abscess, by contrast, is associated with a typical ultrasound appearance of discrete fluid collections. Outpatient procedural management of skin abscesses by primary care physicians was altered in more than half the cases by performing point-of-care ultrasound prior to incision and drainage5, avoiding unnecessary procedures.

Mit Ton

“Point-of-care ultrasound allows me to rapidly narrow my differential diagnosis and often gives me a definitive diagnosis, all in real-time right at the bedside.”

– Dr. Kevin Bergman

Family physician


Klinische Erfolgsnachweise.

The Journal of Family Practice

Ein Ratgeber zu wirkungsvollen Anwendungsbereichen, bei denen Ultraschall-Handgeräte als „sicher, präzise und vorteilhaft“ bezeichnet werden und nach Auskünften leicht mit relativ wenig Schulungsbedarf durch Fachkräfte außerhalb der Radiologie einsetzbar sind, darunter auch von Hausärzten.

Artikel lesen

American Academy of Family Physicians

Eine Studie zur Untersuchung der Häufigkeit von ambulantem Ultraschalleinsatz sowie von vergleichenden Zusatztests in der Allgemeinmedizin weist auf eine Unterstützung der Investition von Zeit und Kapital der medizinischen Fachkräfte in Butterfly iQ hin.

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Erste Schritte mit Butterfly iQ+.

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POCUS in Primary Care

„Wie verbessere ich meine Pflegeleistungen für Patienten? Welche Werkzeuge stehen mir zur Verfügung?“ Erfahren Sie, wie Butterfly iQ+ die medizinische Praxis von Hausärzten verbessern kann.

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Kaufen Sie noch heute Ihren neuen iQ3™ .

Die klare Antwort im Point-of-Care-Ultraschall.
