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Don’t just take our word for it.

Dr. Ron Samet,

“Comparing the newly designed iQ3 to its predecessors, I found the iQ3 to boast a smaller and lighter probe design making it easier to hold and handle, a smaller footprint to allow for scanning in difficult anatomical windows, and faster processing with much improved imaging and greater resolution of structures, both superficial and deep.”

Dr. Steve Erickson,
Family Medicine

“As for image quality, the iQ3 is a huge leap forward. In head-to-head comparisons, I find that the iQ3’s MSK images are better than any other handheld device on the market, and equivalent to even a high-end, cart-based system.”

Dr. Cecilia Leggett,

“For my day-to-day workflow, having an iQ3 helps keep me running on time in clinic. At my clinic, we have 2 cart-based ultrasound machines that the 4 providers in clinic share. I can bypass waiting on ultrasound availability by having an iQ3 in my pocket.”

Dr. Larry Istrail,
Internal Medicine

“In terms of lung ultrasound, I think the Butterfly is as good as it gets. I have done thousands of lung ultrasounds with multiple different machines and I feel that the imaging quality with the iQ3 is as good as any large cart-based machine.”

*iQ3 provided by Butterfly
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