Confidently monitor maternal and fetal health throughout the care continuum.

An integrated, handheld solution supporting ovarian and uterine exams, fetal development tracking, labor and delivery triage, and more.


Foster patient trust and provide more informed care at the bedside.

Provide the big picture of fetal development.

Measure fetal biometrics, AFI and more—even in the most challenging cases. Preserve more time for patient visits with reports that are automatically generated and attached to exams.

Rapid ultrasound assessment, where and when you need it.

Check fetal heart rate, positioning, fluid levels and more with one pocket-sized tool. Provide efficient labor triage and fast responses to peripartum emergencies.

Detect complications at the point of care.

Clearly identify ovarian cysts and abscesses with a dedicated preset optimized for gynecological applications.

Our solution evolves over time to keep you on the forefront of care.

We regularly update our software with new imaging capabilities and workflow optimizations to better serve applications across the OB/GYN health spectrum.
That’s the power of the Butterfly Pro membership.

Advancing health equity

The power of a connected ultrasound solution in your pocket.

“Bringing in new technology like Butterfly makes ultrasound easy and affordable and accessible to the people living in our community.”

– Ng'ang'a Samuel
Access Afya Clinician

Butterfly iQ in Nairobi, Kenya.

See how TeleGuidance™ on iQ has helped bring sustainable, accessible prenatal imaging to a new community.


Clinical evidence.

Novel care models

In response to COVID-19, a drive-through prenatal care model was developed in which pregnant women would remain in their cars while being assessed by the health care professional, thus reducing potential patient, health care professional, and staff exposure to COVID-19.

Read article

POCUS in OB/GYN: a Validation Study

In a Clinical study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Butterfly iQ+ proved correlative to cart-based ultrasound machines in obstetrics.

Read the article

Obstetric anesthesia

The team at Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven discuss the role of Butterfly iQ in the complex environment of obstetrics. With high incidence of adult congenital heart disease and increased cardiovascular risk factors, they discuss the value and potentially improved maternal outcome of whole body POCUS in standard obstetric practice.

Read the case study
Join the community

Buy your iQ3™ today.

The clear answer in point-of-care ultrasound.
